Collection: EDC Accessories

Legends, Lore & Lies* - Vikings had to carry a lot of essential gear with them on their travels.  Vikings invented time and devices for measuring time.  How do you think they sailed around the world, discovered America hundreds of years before Columbus, and struck fear into the hearts of people throughout the globe if they couldn't measure time and space?  

Additionally, we've always loved treasure and therefore needed a convenient way of carrying as much of it as possible.  Naturally that led to Vikings inventing wallets and now that we all trade in digital silver, we've been able to streamline the design down to just the critical essentials.

And you can't ransack, raid and pillage the whole world without a good writing instrument to inform village elders of your terms and agree upon a proper amount of tribute.  All of the items needed by a world conquering adventurer.


*Over time all great stories, sagas, facts and dates can become a bit blurry.  The historical facts listed above are possibly (not likely) somewhat true and are at least one perspective looking back through the lens of history!