Collection: Holsters

Legends, Lore & Lies* - When Cain killed Abel people suddenly realized life wasn't all unicorns and rainbows... well, I guess the rainbow came a bit later but you get my point.  All of a sudden it wasn't just wild animals to fear.  There were human predators as well and people started fashioning and carrying a variety of weapons for protection against dirtbags, thugs and evil-doers.  The problem was that it was hard to carry a weapon with you while doing the other stuff required to survive on planet earth, namely earn your bread by your sweat.  That led to an assortment of materials being fashioned into tethers, scabbards and holsters.  

Leather was widely used until the Vikings invented Kydex.  Leather didn't hold up to sea water very well - or any kind of water for that matter - and you couldn't very well raid and pillage a far away land when your gear was constantly falling off. 

While some are still stuck in the Dark Ages and use leather, Kydex has long been the preferred method of safely stowing your handheld weapons on your person. 

Our Kydex holsters are forged using ancient Norse techniques handed down to us over the centuries from our fore-fathers.  A heritage of protecting clan and kin.  Designed and made by people who go into harm's way to confront modern dirtbags, thugs and evil-doers.


*Over time all great stories, sagas, facts and dates can become a bit blurry.  The historical facts listed above are possibly (not likely) somewhat true and are at least one perspective looking back through the lens of history!