Preparation Reduces Fear

Preparation Reduces Fear

Drengr is an Old Norse word referring to a man or woman who is a valiant warrior.  It's much more than bravery or skill, its a way of being.  Drengr is living with honor.

I know and work with a modern Viking.  He even looks like a Viking.  He's a master of combat - both empty hand and with a variety of weapons.  I'd never want to fight him, but if I had to, I'd use a Hellfire missile from a drone... and I'd still be worried it wouldn't do the job.

Over the years of working with him, I'm always amazed at how well he treats everyone - both friend and foe alike.  He shows respect to everyone.  He's always calm and speaks very calmly... even when he's just face planted a suspect into the ground.  And as soon as the guy submits, he releases the force being used and takes him into custody.

I was recently working an incident with him and once again saw him calmly and respectfully dealing with a suspect.  A piece of the puzzle then came together for me.  It finally dawned on me why he was so good with people... it's because he's not afraid of them.

He is so prepared for chaos and conflict, that he does not fear.  He does not need to prove anything to anyone.  He doesn't need to bluff, threaten or puff up to show who is the Alpha.  He is The Alpha, and he knows it, so he doesn't fear... and doesn't need to prove it or put on a show.

Fear causes us to over-react or under-react.  We either do too much, such as use too much physical force, pull out a gun when not needed, shoot someone when it wasn't necessary. etc... or we do too little.  We are frozen by fear, fear the possible consequences of our action, or just don't know what to do so we do nothing or too little.  Either course of action is caused by fear.

When you are prepared, you no longer fear.  When you're not afraid of someone, you can treat them with respect and honor.  You have nothing to prove to them.  No competition of who's The Alpha, who's the toughest, smartest, etc.  You're living in the eye of the storm.  You might be surrounded by chaos and contention, but you are at peace.  When you are calm and at peace, you make better decisions.  This is Drengr.

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